The Incorrect use of Massmedia 

Cambridge Analityca case and 1984 by George Orwell


The digital media can create networks of exchange and intellectual and creative growth, but they can also change in an inhumane and terrifying context



This is the Orwell's most famous work, a novel that describes a society where the individuality is annihilated, where the humanity is in total control of massmedia.


The Big Brother is the symbol of this dystopian novel, an mysterious oppressor that can control and change people's lives.

The world is divided into three great powers: Oceania, Estasia and Eurasia. 

Britain is ruled by a totalitarian dictatorship whose leader is Big Brother.





"War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength"


In April 2018 the social media Facebook is caught up in the scandal (Cambridge Analitics), the company have sold the personal data of more than 80 million users of the platform. Mark Zuckemberg, founder of the social platform, is called to respond to accusations against him by the European Parliament and the American Senate: what is the securiry of privacy and sharing of personal information that every users goes to meet on the social networks?



Chiara Ibba


Liceo Artistico Musicale Foiso Fois di Cagliari


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